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Keep the Gates open to Love!

December, 2013


Dear Friends,


Season's Greetings!  


Our country's work on race is not done. I am joining China Galland, her son Ben Galland, and Danielle Burnette, their Associate Producer, to help them raise the finishing funds for their remarkably inspiring documentary, Resurrecting Love, the Cemetery That Can Heal a Nation.  They are almost there.  


They've just received notice of a $75,000 grant award from the Axelrod Shih Foundation.  Hats off to the visionary Axelrod Shih Foundation!  Now there's only $35,500 to go.


China, an award-winning author, a teacher, and pioneer in women's leadership and spirituality, and recipient of the national "Courage of Conscience Award," has written over half-a-dozen passionately eloquent books. And now her film Resurrecting Love is almost complete.   It's the culmination of China's 10 years of writing and documenting the towering strength of the descendants at Love and their commitment to their ancestors that inspired China to accept their invitation to join their effort.  This small East Texas community got locked out and denied access to the own cemetery for over 40 years.  Love Cemetery is a small 175 year old burial ground owned by the Burial Association.  Keepers of Love – Nuthel Britton and Doris Vittatoe – and other descendents refused to abandon their history and their people. China & team have followed them ever since. 


Resurrecting Love is a remarkable film. Now it's time to complete it and give it to the world.  Young people have gotten involved and excited.  The excitement of students from Wiley College in the film is palpable.  They’ve joined the Keepers of Love, the Marshall community & China’s team to save the cemetery.  Even the fabled Wiley Debate team has taken up Love’s side. They also show up for grave cleaning.  Wiley’s response inspired predominantly white East Texas Baptist University students to join in.  Over $325,000 has gone into getting the film to this point. One result is the ground-breaking book, Love Cemetery, Unburying the Secret History of Slaves. The book resulted in cemetery law getting changed in Texas. The film is currently an hour-long rough-cut.  Of the $122,500 total, we need only $35,500 to complete it. 


Our donations will get Love from rough-cut to finish with a sound track and detailed attention to editing and production. It will engage viewers in a full and compelling way.  Together, we can get this documentary out the door, into the world where it belongs, bringing a message of healing for race relations—not only in our country but worldwide.


Since this campaign began a few weeks ago we’ve raised $87,000.  Will you please join me personally in contributing $2,500 to $5,000?  We need Love, the world needs Love.  This is a film that needs to be seen right now.  If just 10 - 15 people giving at this level will get us there. It's that simple. Give or pledge now to accelerate Love.


You can make a tax-exempt donation on-line or send a check made out to the SAN FRANCISCO FILM SOCIETY to The Keepers of Love Project, 20 Sunnyside Ave. Suite A, Mill Valley, CA 94941.  You can also make your donation in installments by completing our pledge form and sending it with your check to our address.   Total of 15-20 minutes on our part.  10 years on China's part with her team.  Together!


For Love,       Tracy Gary 

© 2024 by China Galland. All rights reserved

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