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February 1, 2024



Black History month.  The time for Resurrecting Love.


As you may have already heard, the Screening at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (UUCB) was an immense success.  It has gained us a new audience, the seeds of financial redemption and a vision for the future. 


Here is a review of responses to the film from both the premiere screening in Berkeley (CA) last month as well as a rough cut screening we held in Teaneck (NJ) in the early summer. 























And here is a late arriving message after the recent screening this time from a former KPIX News (San Francisco) anchor/reporter Barbara Rodgers: 


"I ... want you and the other organizers to know how much I and my two friends were impressed by Resurrecting Love. It is a deeply moving story that was well-told and it just points out how racism affects every aspect of Black people’s lives—even after they have been dead for more than a century! The documentary is both uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. It makes very clear how hard it still is to make permanent changes for the better for those who have been discriminated against for decades. I hope that many people throughout the USA and beyond will be able to view the documentary. Perhaps it will help those who do not support diversity and inclusion efforts to see—and understand—just how much those kinds of efforts are needed."  


Help us get the word out:


You've heard much from us about our struggle to complete the movie.  WE ARE NOW FINISHED WITH THE PICTURE AND THE SOUND which made possible the screening on January 14th.   We do have work that remains for us to do if we are to be able to gain distribution and screenings in classrooms.  We need to pay our bills for clearing all the rights, forming our legal entity, getting to Festival Screenings and promoting ourselves to the world.  Now would be a good time for you to help if you are inclined.  Meet one or our Producers, Aldo Billingsley ... he's a theater professor at Santa Clara University.



























The button above takes you to a site that enables you to make a tax deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor Fractured Atlas, or to send a check and get the same deduction.


In solidarity,







Us here with the Resurrecting Love team


Don't forget:


Ask questions, make comments, leave us your email address.  We will answer you.










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© 2024 by China Galland. All rights reserved

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