2014 Spring Cleaining
Dr. Ysaye Barnwell, revered singer-composer formerly with Sweet Honey in the Rock, came to East Texas to sing with us and celebrate the Ancestors
2014 Spring Cleaining
Dr. Ysaye Barnwell, revered singer-composer formerly with Sweet Honey in the Rock, came to East Texas to sing with us and celebrate the Ancestors
January, 2024
The time is here. You can be part of the audience to see the first public screening of Resurrecting Love.
We are screening in the main sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (CA) as part of its week of observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. There is seating for 300 people only so make your RSVP (reservation) now by clicking on the poster above. Admission is free with your reserved admission.
If you need to be reminded of the affect of the movie (albeit in an unfinished version), here are some reactions from an audience in Teaneck New Jersey after a screening at St. Mark's Episcopal Church:
Here's a message from China Galland about the screening:
"Bill McKibben said years ago that technology and clean energy are not enough to meet our global crisis; we have to recognize our complete dependence upon one another, we have to turn back to 'that most ancient technology of all — building community.'
"Part of building community is truth-telling. These increasingly well-known and documented conflicts over Black cemeteries, like the burial grounds Harvard historian Jill Lepore wrote about in The New Yorker and that we documented, 25 more recent, public controversies (from Orlando, Florida and Tulsa, Oklahoma to the African Burial Ground National Monument in New York) give us powerful opportunities to 'come to the table' and acknowledge our difficulties in communicating about the equity that must be brought to honoring the dead.
"Resurrecting Love is one of the tools needed to give us a new way of bridging the gap between us, of assuring equity for all Americans. We need to assure access to all burial grounds, including African Americans. And we bring out the fact that Love is sacred ground for not only Black families but that it also contains Native American burials, some of whom were Black Caddos, Chickasaw and Cherokee. Our destiny as a nation is to be inclusive. Telling the truth about these burial grounds gives us a way to 'tap the energy for change' and connect with a larger, more honest, communal America. The work of reconciliation and reparations are part of the ongoing process of healing and transforming the violence that threatens everyone at home and abroad.
"Completion means we will be able to complete the clearance process that will let us have not only a feature version of Love, but be able to adapt Love into multiple segments for education.
"Now is the time to help us across this finish line and get Love into the world! This is why the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley invited us to screen Resurrecting Love to celebrate MLK Day."
Help us get the word out:
You've heard much from us about our struggle to complete the movie. WE ARE NOW FINISHED WITH THE PICTURE AND THE SOUND which makes possible the screening on January 14th. We do have work that remains for us to do if we are to be able to gain distribution and screenings in classrooms. We need to pay our bills for clearing all the rights, forming our legal entity, getting to Festival Screenings and promoting ourselves to the world. Now would be a good time for you to help if you are inclined. Click the yellow button below to help us get there.
The button above takes you to a site that enables you to make a tax deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor Fractured Atlas, or to send a check and get the same deduction.
In solidarity,
Us here with the Resurrecting Love team
Don't forget:
Ask questions, make comments, leave us your email address. We will answer you.